Fold It: Design Tool for Creating Foldable 3D Volumes From Planar 2D Surfaces
Emily Guan, Yibo Fu. ACM SCF Demo PDF | DOI
Folding mechanisms such as origami, linkages, or auxetic materials have found applications across a diverse range of fields, including architecture, product design, and robotics. On the other hand, waffle structure, namely planar section structure, is known as a type of static structure with stable load-bearing capabilities. In this project, we transform these waffle structures into a foldable mechanism. We introduce "Fold It", a computational design tool that converts arbitrary closed brep or mesh into adaptable waffle structures with tunable folding parameters. Our tool democratizes the personal fabrication of these structures, facilitating the design of diverse everyday objects, ranging from toys to furniture. We hope Fold It could be used for creating more multifunctional objects within and beyond the DIY and personal fabrication arenas.
a. Fold It design tool that takes any 3D mesh or brep and turns it into a foldable waffle structure. b. A stool generated from the design tool is expanded from its folded mode and a person can sit on it.
Different materials and thickness affect rotation and locking.
board game
phone stand